How Do I Quickly Reflector, Then Up Smash


In this video (language NSFW), at 0:15, the Fox labeled "Tang" performs what appears to be a reflector followed by an up smash. The reflector animation only plays for about a frame, before the up smash comes out.

When I attempt to perform these moves in sequence, with down+b followed by up+a, the full animation of the reflector plays, and my opponent has been knocked out of range by the time the up smash occurs.

How can I quickly reflector and up smash, the way Tang does?

Best Answer

I can't actually find a reference for this particular combo, but I am pretty sure that in that video Tang is pressing up+a within a frame or two of pressing down+b. This cancels the rest of the animation for Fox's reflector and goes right into the next attack. In other words, I think you just have to be really fast.

This combo is similar to the more commonly used waveshine, which also involves transitioning from Fox's reflector into another move before the reflector animation finishes.