Fortnite Save The World – How Do Patrol Wards Work?


Occasionally, I'll pick up a Patrol Ward floor trap, which boasts the description:

Prevents patrols from spawning within the range of the Ward.

Can I use this trap to funnel monsters during the objective defense phase? I've tried placing this trap in a few missions, but haven't noticed any difference. What exactly are the patrols that these traps affect?

Best Answer

After doing some research (1, 2, 3), it appears that patrols are the purple glowy doors that appear at random and spawn a roaming group of monsters that run to another randomly spawned door.

Since I'd only tried using these traps in Stonewood, I didn't see a real difference, as these patrols were not exceptionally common. However, they occur much more frequently in Plankerton, especially while trying to build a fort around an objective. In most cases, the patrols attack unfinished structures and cause a bit of trouble.

This is what these traps are designed to prevent. By placing a Patrol Ward in or around your fort, it prevents these doors from spawning nearby and dropping a pack of monsters next to you. While not exceptionally helpful in Stonewood, they become much more important in Plankerton and beyond (so think twice before scrapbooking your schematics or trashing the ones you find!). However, these traps do not affect spawns related to the objective, so you can't use them to funnel monsters when defending.