Stellaris – How Do Planet Adjacency Effects Work?


I've just started a new game, and am exploring the various options. I've run into the planetary details screen. Each tile can support one building, and one population. Thing is, I noticed these little + arrows next to some buildings, and hovering over them gives me adjacency bonuses.

Adjacency bonus example

What causes this? Is it specific buildings that improve the spaces around them? Is there a list of adjacency combos?

Best Answer

As far as I'm aware, the only buildings with adjacency bonuses are the Planetary Capital line of buildings (and their upgrades) starting from the Planetary Administration (after upgrading the Reassembled Ship Shelter).

In this case, as per their descriptions, they provide +1/+2/+3 to production of adjacent Minerals, Energy, and Food. Sorry, scientists!

These 3 are listed on the Stellaris Wiki, and there don't appear to be any others.