How do sacrifices affect the Temple of the Sun God


So after round 101 I Upgraded a "Sun God" Super Monkey to a "Temple of the Sun God" Super Monkey. If you didn't know this makes it consume, or "sacrifice" as the game calls it, all the surrounding towers gaining different qualities dependent on the towers "sacrificed".

My Temple consumed a very large of amount of towers of every kind, and it only acquired 3 noticeable abilities doing so. One was it shot out a missile, another it threw out tornadoes and it shot an Area of Effect of Razors (this didn't make sense since my tack towers had been upgraded to shoot fire). I did however have a missile turret (although it had been upgraded differently then the missile the temple was shooting), and I did have a monkey apprentice that shot out tornadoes.

I also noticed it did significantly more damage and the Temple's range covered the entire map almost. So my question is, How does the Temple of the Sun God determine its new abilities, range, and damage depending on the amount and variety of towers it has sacrificed?

Best Answer

There's a bunch of information on the temple including how to get a perfect temple with every possible attack and ability. I can't say exactly what happened in your case however, since I cannot see what it looked like before sacrificing everything.

Unique Abilities, and Sacrifices Needed to Get Them. (Taken from link)

To build the most powerful temple, sacrifice the following nine maxed towers:

  • To get longer freeze time, sacrifice Ice Tower - Viral Frost. (4 - x)

  • To get larger freeze radius, sacrifice Ice Tower - Absolute Zero. (x - 4)

  • To get more corrosive glue splatter, sacrifice Glue Gunner - Bloon Liquefier. (4 - x)

  • To get larger glue splatter, sacrifice Glue Gunner - Glue Striker. (x - 4)

  • To get stronger tornadoes, sacrifice Monkey Apprentice - Tempest Tornado. (4 - x)

  • To get larger tornadoes, sacrifice Monkey Apprentice - Summon Phoenix. (x - 4)

  • To get greater missile damage against ceramic bloons, sacrifice Bomb Tower - MOAB Assassin. (x - 4)

  • To get six missiles per 1.5 seconds, sacrifice Mortar Tower - Big One (4 - x) or Artillery Battery (x - 4).

  • To get stronger sun rays, sacrifice Super Monkey - Technological Terror. (x - 4)

Note that sacrificing other tower types duplicate the 16 blade volleys per second benefit provided by sacrificing the Super Monkey - Technological Terror.

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