How do skills work


I'm faced with a choice between two skills. How do they work? When can I use them? How long do they last? How much damage do they do? I want to know before making my choice in case one is clearly superior to the other. Are there any more skills?

Choose a skill - Thunder Bolt - Invulnerability

Best Answer

Both of these skills can be used during combat with a cooldown:

  • Thunder Bolt deals a set amount of damage based on the skill level (starting at 20, +7 damage per level) with a cooldown of 20 seconds.
  • Invulnerability makes you immune to all damage for a set amount of time based on the skill level (starting at 3 seconds, +3 seconds per level) with a cooldown of 30 seconds.

You can upgrade your skill after choosing it for a gold cost. Each upgrade costs 500*skillLevel*skillLevel+500 gold bars, with no ceiling on the skill level.