How do steps and Pokémon Gen VI O-Powers relate


I heard that the number of steps you have collected in a given day affects the speed of O-Power green light ball thingies (what you need to use O-powers) regen rate. How does this work?

Best Answer

According to the Bulbapedia entry on O-Powers:

  • 0-2000 steps: 1× energy regeneration rate
  • 2001-3000 steps: 2× energy regeneration rate
  • 3001-2000 steps: 3× energy regeneration rate
  • 4001+ steps: 4× energy regeneration rate

The base rate for O-Power energy regeneration is 1 circle every 4 minutes. At the maximum regeneration rate, this becomes one circle every minute. As the 3ds's step counter resets at midnight (based on the system clock), so to does your O-Power regeneration rate return to 1x at midnight each day.