How do the bonus modes differ from the normal game


After finishing Cthulhu Saves the World, some new game modes were unlocked – Highlander, Overkill, Cthulhu's Angels and some sort of boss rush. Before playing through though I'm curious if there are enough differences to keep me interested for one more playthrough, or if the changes are mostly cosmetic.

How do each of the bonus modes differ from the normal game?

Best Answer

Since the answer @AshleyNunn posted didn't contain enough information (it was more or less exactly the same as what the game tells you), I looked into it a bit.

Highlander and Overkill mode, seem pretty straightforward, as Ashley mentioned - bigger XP boosts and some limitations in the former, or just ludicrous powerlevelling in the latter.

In the Score Attack mode it seems that though you are underleveled from not encountering random enemies, you still have to walk through empty dungeons to reach the bosses. So it isn't exactly a boss rush in the common meaning of the phrase.

The Cthulhu's Angels mode seems to be substantially different. The main storyline is heavily altered, including the dialogue and characters. (E.g. one of your enemies in the standard mode becomes your ally, etc.) There are only four characters available (all of them girls, of course.)