How do the bow-related Archery skill perks affect crossbows


I noticed* that some of the Archery skill perks are bow-specific or bow-related, based on their descriptions. I would like to know how they affect crossbows.

  • Does the 'Quick Shot ' archery perk (can draw a bow 30% faster) affect crossbows? Does it make the crossbow reload speed faster?
  • What about 'Hunter's Discipline' and 'Power Shot'? They are described as "recover twice as many arrows from dead bodies" and "arrows stagger all but the largest opponents 50% of the time", respectively – do these perks affect crossbow bolts too?
  • These perks don't seem to affect crossbows (based on their description), but do they have any gameplay effect on the crossbows: Ranger (able to move faster with a drawn bow) and Steady Hand (zooming in with a bow slows time by 25%/50%)?

* I know. I'm late to the party and just started Dawnguard.

Best Answer

Everything that affects bows affect crossbows as well (damage multiplier etc), even Deadly Aim. Those perks that aren't immediately obvious work like this:

  • Hunter's Discipline - more bolts (from mobs who drop bolts in the first place)
  • Ranger - move faster while aiming and reloading
  • Quick Draw - faster reload

Update: The mechanic of the weapons can be confusing.

  • Bow: Ready-draw-aim-shoot-ready.
  • Crossbow: Ready-aim-shoot-reload-ready.

Quick draw yields faster draw for bow and faster reload for crossbow. Ranger lets you move faster while aiming with your bow or crossbow. The thing with a crossbow is that you aim an already loaded weapon and with the bow the draw action is part of the aiming. In the end, it's no real difference.