How do the Discord Orb and Headshot multiplier interact


Another question has addressed how the Discord Orb and the Caduceus Damage Boost interact, but stacking is inconsistent in Overwatch. So far, it appears that unlike bonuses are multiplicative, while like bonuses are additive if they stack at all. But I'm unsure if that is truly the case across the board, and I'm also uncertain if that extends to elements which are not character abilities.

Can anyone help clear up how the 50% bonus from Discord and the 100% bonus from eligible headshots (150% for Widowmaker) stack? Is the total damage 250%, or 300%?

Best Answer

Damage modifier stacking is perfectly consistent in Overwatch. The Discord Orb would increase by 50% the 200% damage from a headshot, resulting in 300% damage.

In the image below, I've hit both Training Bots with one headshot each.

Image with proof

The normal headshot deals 3.6 bars of damage, while the Discord headshot deals 5.4 bars of damage.