How do the Races synergize with the Slayer class


I'm looking at playing a Slayer in the coming Open Beta, and I was hoping for some feedback from people who had played more than I have in the Closed Beta, about how the racial abilities synergize with the Slayer class. I understand how all the racials work, I'm more interested in the intersection between said abilities and the game play style of the Slayer class. Specifically I care about PvP (though, other domains are important to me).

Best Answer

In general, the racial skills in TERA aren't meant to be super-critical in your choice of race.

That being said...

  • An Aman takes 10% less damage when under 30% health. As a melee class, you'll be toe-to-toe with BAMs and if you fail to dodge (or your dodge abilities are on cooldown) than damage mitigation is nice.
  • A Baraka can heal to full every 2 hours. They also resist stuns which would otherwise inhibit your ability to dodge.
  • A Castanic crits more often when behind a mob. As a slayer who parties with others who can tank mobs, this is a nice passive ability.
  • A High Elf can restore mana to full every 2 hours. Since the slayer's resource mechanic acts like rage (you build it with attacks and then spend it on skills), it can be nice to start at full for some encounters. Overall, though, it's not a great benefit to slayer play style.
  • A Human takes less damage from other players when low on health and is less susceptible to knockdowns and palatalization (which would otherwise inhibit your ability to dodge).

None of the other races synergize very well.

In the end, I'd choose an aman or a castanic. If you're going to focus exclusively on PvP or PvP is all you will do end-game, then Human is not a bad choice either.