How do the stats convert into a percental value


In the character overview you can see your stats like Critical Hit Rate.
For maxing out dps, healing and damage reduction, I would like to know how I can convert those numbers into a percentage.

This would be interesting for those values:

  • Critical Hit Rate
  • Determination
  • Defense
  • Parry
  • Magic Defense
  • Attack Magic Potency
  • Healing Magic Potency
  • Spell Speed maybe?
  • Skill Speed maybe?

Best Answer

There's currently no in-game way to show what damage increase or percentage each point of rating gives you, unless you logged a ton of hits at various stat values and mathed it out. Fortunately, Nemekh from the TheoryJerks team has already done this for you.

Nemekh's chart has the full set of breakpoints and stat percentages for a level 70 class in Stormblood (as of 4.05), but in summary:

  • Approximately every 11 points of Crit above 364 will grant +0.1% increased Crit chance and +0.1% increased Crit damage. You start with a base 5% crit chance with your crits doing 140% additional damage.

  • Roughly every 4 points of Direct Hit above 364 will grant +0.1% to strike a Direct Hit, dealing 125% of normal damage. A Direct Hit can also Crit!

  • Roughly every 17 points of Determination above 292 adds +0.1% to the Determination damage modifier.

  • Spell speed breakpoints depend on the base cast time of your spell. For example, you will need approximately 67 spell speed above 381 to reduce the cast time of a 2.5s spell by 0.01 seconds. But a smaller amount is enough to speed up a 3s cast.

  • Rather than reducing the time between swings, skill speed increases the damage of your auto-attacks, with roughly 17 points above 364 granting +0.1% additional damage. Spell speed does something similar for dots.

  • Every 14.5 points of Defense grants about 0.1% damage mitigation at level 70.

  • Parry no longer exists in Stormblood, replaced by Tenacity. Roughly every 22 points of Tenacity above 364 grants tanks +0.1% additional damage and reduces damage taken by an additional 0.1%.

Do note that these formulas and calculations are still undergoing testing and may be subject to change. Also, the most beneficial stat for you will vary depending on your class and class's mechanics. That's where the stat weights linked in Everspace's answer will come in handy.