How do the super power upgrades that work differently for each element, work for the ‘Explosive’ element (Element of Destruction Pack DLC)


The Element of Destruction Pack DLC introduces the 'Explosive' element for all super powers: Explosive Chain Blast, Telekinetic Time Bomb, Airstrike Stomp and Explosive Buff.

There are upgrades that affect all elements and may work differently for each element. Since the game currently does not have a description of what these upgrades do for the 'Explosive' element, I am wondering what their effects are for it.

The upgrades are the ff:

  • Blast
    • Damage
    • Explosive Deaths (Since the Explosive element already explodes affected enemies upon their deaths – what does this upgrade do for it?)
  • Telekinesis
    • Hold Cost (How much energy is consumed?)
    • Power Up 1 and 2
  • Stomp
    • Damage
    • Duration
  • Buff
    • Team Player (Will nearby homies become immune or take less damage from explosions, or will they have a chance of firing explosive bullets?)

For the damage, duration and power up upgrades, what increases and how exactly does it increase?

Best Answer


  • all NORMAL human/alien on hit range exploded(work for drivers to).


  • all NORMAL human/alien caught become grenade(don't hold too long).


  • all NORMAL human/alien on stomp range became firework, and goes down like Air Support from SR3(this is overpowered -_-)


  • all NORMAL human/alien near you will explode after some time.

Genki Girls, Warden, Assasination Target, Bosses and Super Enemies won't be affected by explosion element.