How do the weapons and ammo introduced by update 27 and 31 (Gage Sniper, Shotgun Pack DLCs) work


Update 27 with the Gage Sniper Pack DLC introduces new bolt action sniper rifles. Its website describes them as:

…if you are a good shot, one-shot-one-kill may actually translate to
one-shot-three-kills. because a bullet fired from these rifles will
happily keep travelling through several "targets" – if they're soft
enough – before it comes to a halt.

Update 31 with the Gage Shotgun Pack DLC introduces Flechette ("long range armor piercing"), AP Slug shotgun ammunition ("penetrates body armor, enemies, shields and walls") and HE Rounds (explosive rounds).

What are the mechanics behind those weapons and ammunition? Which targets can a sniper rifle bullet or AP Slug or Flechette shotgun ammunition pass through? Is there damage reduction?

Also, how do those weapons or ammo work on objects that other weapons' projectiles can't pass through (i.e. Bulldozer's faceplate, Shield unit's shield, Maximum Force Responder's [tan cop] body armor)? Do those items reduce the damage of AP ammunition passing through them?

Best Answer

              Health   Headshot multiplier
Security        30      3.00
GenSec          50      5.00
Cop             30      3.00
FBI             50      5.00
Swat            80      4.00
Heavy Swat      100     1.67
FBI Swat        130     3.25
FBI Heavy Swat  200     2.00
Sniper          40      2.00
Shield          100     1.67
Taser           360     1.80
Bulldozer       5500    22.92
Gangster        40      4.00
Biker           80      4.00
Cloaker         320     5.33

To use this information combined with the weapon damage:

[Rattlesnake][1] : 130 base damage. 
[R93][2] : 250 base damage.
[Thanatos .50 cal][3] : 2880 base damage. 

An unaware enemy will always be a one-shot kill though.

I couldn't find any information regarding body armor or bullet slowing factors, but i'm guessing that if you take the Thanatos .50 cal (for example) which has a base damage of 2880 and you have lets say a straight row of security guys (30 health each) you are able to shoot through 96 security guards with one bullet. My assumption is that by each enemy hit the base damage of the weapon degrades regarding how much health the enemy has.

Another example would be if you shoot a bulldozer in the body (again with the Thanatos). Thats 5500 - 2880 = 2620. If you shoot him a second time and there happens to be an FBI heavy swat standing behind him. Thats 2620 - 2880 = -260 (an FBI heavy swat having 200 health would also die).