How does access to Overwatch get enabled


I've clocked up over 500 hours on CS:GO, and recently I've had access to Overwatch to review cases of reported cheating and disruptive behavior.

In game it shows as Overwatch Beta. Is this something new that is being rolled out to certain users or is it due to my playing time (500 hours) crossing a threshold to have access to it?

The linked blog states:

How do I become an investigator?

Currently, the best approach is to play lots of matches in our official Competitive Matchmaking. We are slowly adding players to the pool of investigators, and randomly pick them with consideration to their playtime and skill level. The goal is to invite as many skilled reviewers as possible.

From this I guess I've been randomly selected, but was curious about whether 500 hours was part of the selection criteria.

Best Answer

I would assume so, yes.

From their blog post

Currently, the best approach is to play lots of matches in our official Competitive Matchmaking. We are slowly adding players to the pool of investigators, and randomly pick them with consideration to their playtime and skill level. The goal is to invite as many skilled reviewers as possible.

According to steamdb, the average playtime is 179.5h. With this (I'm unsure how accurate that figure is), you're in the higher part of playtime, thus your playtime was most likely considered.