How does Ascending work


The next upgrade I am likely to get is "ASCENSION" for Amenhotep. The mouseover text on the ability says it restarts the game and gives a single hero soul.

Does anything else cross over (heroes, gold, achievements, etc.)?

When would be the best time to Ascend? Should I wait until I unlock all the heroes or buy all their abilities? I'm on level 85 now (not yet beat the boss), should I wait until a specific level?

Best Answer

When you ascend, you'll receive 1 hero soul per 2000 hero levels. (unless changed) Basically if you have a total of 5310, you'd get 2 hero souls.

Before you'd get cooldown reductions, damage, more gold and so on. But now I believe that you only get a % of damage. (you can read if you hover over the hero souls text) If I'm correct, it's 10% extra DPS per hero soul that you have.

I think I did my first ascension around level 100, but like I said, you had more/better extra stuff by then.

I'd say do an ascension whenever you feel that you are ready, then try to get as far as you can, without spending ages on each level, then repeat.

It's hard to say when the best level for ascension is but yer, I lost my savefile and I got pretty damn far. :3

Best of luck to you.