How does damage scale with distance fired


In TF2, when you fired weapons, there were three "ranges", long range, mid range, and close range. Shooting enemies from long range resulted in extremely low damage (exception Sniper), mid range resulted in medium damage, and close quarters yielded the highest damage.

In CS:GO however, does damage scale with distance fired? In other words, if I fire a bullet at long range, compared to a bullet up close, will the two do completely different amounts of damage? Or is there no scale, and all bullets do the same damage?

Best Answer

It scales linearly, and each gun has a different scaling factor known as its RangeModifier. Shotguns scale the worst, followed by SMG's and pistols, then automatics, then sniper rifles.

Lowers damage based on the distance of a target. At 9.525m(500u) away, a target will receive an estimated damage of RangeModifier * Damage.

See the spreadsheet here for more details.