How does “Dodge” really work


This has actually been a burning question I have had for the longest time now. How does the "Dodge" mechanic in Payday 2 really work? To my (vague) knowledge, dodge allows you to basically avoid damage. Essentially, rather than simply increasing the damage you can take, it reduces the damage that you take. However, I still don't understand how it works precisely.

  • For starters, what do the dodge values represent?

For example, how much better is having 50 Dodge as compared to having 20 Dodge?
Does your amount of dodge represent your percentage chance of dodging a bullets?

  • Secondly, when can you dodge?"

When do you begin to dodge bullets? It is completely random, where you would dodge random incoming projectiles?

  • Lastly, what can you dodge?

Are you able to dodge anything? For example, apart from your usual bullets, can you dodge sniper shots, explosive damage or Cloaker hits?

Best Answer

For starters, what do the dodge values represent?

The dodge value is the chance in percent to take no damage at all when hit.

Secondly, when can you dodge?

You can always dodge.

Lastly, what can you dodge?

Melee attacks are dodged just like bullets, however the player is always pushed back despite not taking damage.

There is a very very long guide available in the steam workshop, everything you need can be found there. In your case dodge can be found under Armor stats. (The loading could take a bit because of the length of the guide so dont worry if it wont be loaded as fast as expected)