overwatch – How Does McCree’s Deadeye Work in Overwatch?


How does McCree's Deadeye work and how do buffs and debuffs affect it?

I've been reading up on some other questions and answers


McCree's Deadeye Damage

Is there any way to dodge McCree's ultimate?

But nothing definitive about how it works.

From what I've read, Deadeye charges up power at 170 dmg per second but when do buffs affect Deadeye, while he is charging or when he shoots?

Do enemies need to be in view during charge or can McCree hide in a dark corner seeing no one charge to the last second then popout and shoot?

Best Answer

McCree's ult works by charging damage as you said. The outter circle shrinks until it reaches the inner one.

In the video, first clip, you clearly see that the circle suddenly shrinks when mercy damage boosts McCree. However, when Mercy unbuffs him in the second clip, the circle retracts for a split second (due to bad synchronization mainly). Meaning that the only buffs that matter are those active when McCree actually shots.

Enemies need to be in sight of McCree for the channel on them to begin. When the second activation is done, everyone in sight will be killed.

You can just stay in a corner and then pop up, but your ult will do next to no damage as it couldn't charge enough.