How does Molten Core affect turrets


I got several conflicting sources

  1. It starts with level 1. Then you hit it 6 times, it becomes level 3.
  2. It starts with level 2. Then you hit it 6 times, it becomes level 3.
  3. If you create a level 1 turret and then turn on molten core, that level 1 turret becomes level 2 and you hit it 6 times, then it becomes level 3. If you activate molten core and then build a turret then it will start at level 1 you hit it 6 times and it becomes level 2.

Which of the 3 scenario is right?

Should I build a level 2 turrets and turn on molten or should I drop a level 1 turret turn on molten and quickly upgrade, or should I turn on molten and turn on turrets?

Best Answer

Molten Core upgrades level 2 turrets to level 3. It does nothing to level 1 turrets. Of your cases, number 1 is correct.

Incidentally, the Practice Range exists exactly for this kind of doubt about game mechanics.