How does one find open invention slots in Eve


In Eve, open invention slots are perhaps the rarest production style slot that a player can utilize. This is because invention gives players access to far more powerful, and profitable tech level 2 items. Many Players knowing this, actively hoard or guard every slot that they can. To the point where almost no easy to find public invention slot is available, anywhere.

The big problem for me and my tiny corporation is that we don't know where to go or where to find an open invention slot. I assume that an open slot must be available somewhere deep in null-sec space, but I don't know how to go about finding it.

Does anyone have any techniques, tools, or strategies to help find open invention slots?

Best Answer

Short of building and maintaining a POS, you can use this search tool to find all stations in the EVE universe with particular characteristics.

You will probably need to use in-game tools to identify stations with spare slots, but this should at least make finding the stations a bit easier.