How does saving work in Fantasy Life


A few days ago I bought Fantasy Life for my girlfriend, and I tried it a couple of times, and I also like it very much. I simply love it actually, and want to have my own cartridge, so that we can play together. However, I would like to continue with my own save game. I noticed that each other save games are not shown on our own 3DS-systems (we both have our own 3DS), so I assume something is stored on your internal SD-card, but I am not sure if there is a check if you are running from the same cartridge.

Can I just continue with my save game when I buy a new Fantasy Life game (digital or cartridge)?

Best Answer

Physical cartridges store data to the cartridge; digital games store data to the SD card in the 3DS.


I believe Fantasy Life stores save to SD card even when using a cartridge. Maybe this is due to being a large game. But I think it's encrypted to that specific cartridge so even if you buy a new one it wont show the old save.

I think you can get around it though by doing a system transfer. I have looked through it all but hopefully this helps: