How does Super Mario Galaxy 2 differ from Super Mario Galaxy


From reviews I still don't get if Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a must-have game if I have already played a lot of the first Super Mario Galaxy.

In what ways is it different from its predecessor, and how different is it?

Best Answer

In one sense it's "more of the same" in that you work your way through "worlds" and "galaxies" finding stars and beating sub bosses to rescue Peach from Bowser.

However, there are differences:

  • the navigation between worlds and galaxies is different - you're travelling through them rather than visiting from a central hub.

  • You get to play as Luigi during the main game, either as a suggestion on random levels or eventually by choice.

  • Yoshi is available on some worlds.

  • The worlds/galaxies are all new - though there is some "borrowing" from earlier games. See this question

  • What happens (in terms of replayability) when you complete the game is different. See this question