How does the ‘Region Hunted Out’ status work


I recently got a 'Region Hunted Out' status after some time hunting animals to grind XP and salvage:

enter image description here

How does this work?

  • Can this status 'reset'? Will the animals 'repopulate' a 'hunted out' region? If yes, what causes, or how long before a region's animals repopulate a region?
  • How many animals can I kill before I get the 'Region Hunted Out' status or: What exactly causes it? Does each region have a different amount of animals I can kill before I get the 'Region Hunted Out' status?
  • Does 'region' mean per fast travel camp area, or does 'region' have another meaning?

Best Answer

From what I observed, this status resets when the region changes somehow. Like when the plane crashes. Before that event, I hunted out this region. I came back several times, even waited a long time, finishing side quests and stuff, but the status never changed. And then the plane crashes and I can hunt normaly there again. Same thing happened on the beach near the end.