How does the secret room system work in Torchlight 2


I wonder how the secret room system work.

  1. Do secret rooms exist in the "main world" or only in instances?

  2. Is there a limit of how many secret rooms that can be generated for each area/instance? An instance can have several levels, is there always a secret room for each level? What determines the amount of secret rooms?

  3. How many different types of secret room door-opening-mechanisms are there?

  4. What determines the content of a secret room?

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Do secret rooms exist in the "main world" or only in instances?

I have only found secret rooms in instanced dungeons.

Is there a limit of how many secret rooms that can be generated for each area/instance?

So far, I think I have have found a max of 3 secret rooms in a single floor inside of a dungeon. Those were real secret rooms, not associated with that dungeon (like the broken detonators that require plungers to work etc.)

An instance can have several levels, is there always a secret room for each level?

I haven't found a secret in every level of an instance, but I could have missed them.

How many different types of secret room door-opening-mechanisms are there?

We have found three so far:

  • vine bridges extending (instance specific?)
  • using a detonator to destroy a rock wall (instance specific?)
  • clickable picture-frames or tablets on walls (instance specific?)

What determines the content of a secret room?

I have no idea, but I suspect it's automatically generated somehow.