Payday 2 – How Smooth Talker Skill Works with Other Players


Note: As of update 25, this question is no longer relevant for the PC version since the Smooth Talker skill has been removed.

Players can normally answer two pagers successfully without any help from skills (Source), but that number increases to four for players with the Smooth Talker Skill. How does this work when some players have the skill but others don't?

Can anyone successfully answer the first three pages as long as the "skilled" player answers the fourth? Does the "skilled" player have to answer all four for this to work?

Also, how do banks find enough pagers in this day and age for every guard to have one? Actually, never mind, I think I know the answer to that one.

*I've heard varying reports on how many pagers can be answered without the Smooth Talker Skill. Some sources say two and others say three.

Best Answer

The detail on the Payday 2 skills site, which utilises information scraped from the game files suggests the following:

  • With no skills, any player should be able to answer two pagers without issue
  • With Smooth Talker, a player with the skill can answer four pagers without issue

If you have a team with a player that has the Smooth Talker ability, the rest of the team is able to answer the first two pagers but the player with Smooth Talker has to answer the rest.

If you have a team with multiple Smooth Talkers, this will still only guarantee that you can answer four pagers, but it gives you more flexibility regarding who in your team can answer.