How exactly do I dominate this guy and get him to put handcuffs on


I've put one point into the Mastermind's Dominator skill, which says it can be used to intimidate non-special enemies. However, I'm not sure exactly how to make this work. Last time I tried it on a bank guard (before any alarms had been raised) by coming up to him with my gun out and smacking the intimidate key. He ended up handcuffing me, which was the opposite of what I intended. I understand that I can only dominate a single enemy at a time, but none were dominated when I tried.

How can I dominate my enemies? When it should work, does it always work, or is there merely a %chance of success?

Best Answer

It's a % chance but you can have multiple attempts at dominating an enemy. The following factors seem to come into play when trying to dominate somebody:

  • The level and type of enemy
  • The number of enemies around at the time (large groups seem to just ignore you, while a guard by themselves will back down easier)
  • The guard/police officers alert state (they're more likely to surrender if you jump out from around a corner at them and start screaming at them than if they're already actively engaged with you, but it's still possible to injure one and then shout him down)
  • How far away you are from the guard/police officer
  • The skills you have, the tier 3 bonus increases shout range and the tier 6 bonus increases intimidation amount

If you get too close to a guard, he will simply handcuff you and if you're too far away though (and don't have the top tier mastermind perk which increases intimidation and the additional skills that increase range) then you will simply be out of range.

Once you have your target's attention, intimidating them requires three shouts.

video courtesy of RonanForman

  • The first shout will make him put his hands up and drop his weapon
  • The second will make him kneel
  • The third will make him handcuff himself

Once your target is handcuffed, he is a hostage and is included in the hostage counter, can be traded for your team mates lives, and can only be freed by a law enforcer. A handcuffed law enforcer can then be turned using the "Joker" ability in the Mastermind skill tree to fight on your side.