Overwatch – How Far and Wide Does Reinhardt’s Earthshatter Reach?


I play Reinhardt a lot, and I've noticed that when I bring my mighty hammer down, it doesn't reach nearly as far as I'd hope it would.

More often than not, a few enemies are either just out of reach of the area of effect, or just at the edge, even though I could swear they were within the area of the cracked-earth effect when my hammer came down.

I've also noticed, very rarely, that some enemies will be affected by Earthshatter, even though they should technically be in the air and therefore avoiding the effect.

So what are the real dimensions of the area of effect for Earthshatter? And are there any less-than-obvious actions that prevent it from taking effect?

Best Answer

EarthShatter reaches 20m forward.

As far as I can tell for width, its as wide as the normal field of view but I cant find any specific numbers as it's a cone.

You can play with this yourself, by jumping into the training grounds, where the friendly robot is shooting, the ground has markings every 5 meters.

20 metres is the distance between both turrets (the friendly and the enemy) at the 69th second of this video