How fast can you rush the “Full Crew” achievement


After over 90 hours of playing The Witcher 3, I realized that I made a bad choice early on, which blocks me from getting the Full Crew achievement in this playthrough.

Should this be the only achievement I'll be missing in the end, I'll consider replaying the game on the easiest difficulty and rushing this achievement for the sake of completion. Since this is one of the few missable achievements, I assume I am not the first one to do this. How long will this roughly take me?

Best Answer

You can download a savefile from the Nexus that has all the requirements for Full Crew and is made just before achieving it. You can make a free account here, get the save, insert it in the save file's location and get the achievement.

These save files are uploaded for most of the achievements, helping those like you, who accidentally missed them. Of course many people use it to cheat, but I think your case is the textbook example of why they are worth it and how to use them legitimately :)