How fast do kittens gain experience


I've seen that kittens grow skills with experience, but I couldn't find at what rate kittens gain experience.

How much XP does a kitten gain in a year?

Best Answer

The following is in the source:

var learnRatio ="learnRatio"); //line 652
var skillRatio = 0.01 + 0.01 * learnRatio; //line 653

kitten.exp += skillRatio; //line 679

I think this is done each tick, so 5 times a second (iirc). So each second you gain at least 0.05 experience, depending on the learnRatio. The learnRatio is increased by the academy, 0.05 per academy. For example, 10 academies yield a learnRatio of 0.5, and you'll get 5*(0.01 + 0.01 * 0.5) = 0.075 experience per second.

To answer your question (how much exp in a year): there are 400 days, and 10 ticks per ingame-day (source). That means that you'll get

4000 * (0.01 + 0.01 * learnRatio) experience

per in-game year.