How localized is the effect of burning a Bonfire Ascetic


Does using a Bonfire Ascetic raise the difficulty of the ENTIRE named area or only the area immediately around that bonfire. For example:

The Lost Bastille has two bonfires that cater to the same boss fight and then a third bonfire after that boss that is still in the Bastille fast travel menu but is actually on the path to the next boss.

Will using an Ascetic at any of those three bonfires have the same effect on the entire area or will it only affect its portion and in this case only specific bonfires respawn the boss fight.

Best Answer

No, it doesn't affect the entire named area. It only affects the area between the bonfire on which the ascetic is used and the next bonfire. All enemies after the next bonfire will not be affected. For example, the first Aldia's keep bonfire will affect the rats outside the keep, the black phantom within the keep, the mirror knight enemies, the ogre and the giant basilisk but will not effect any enemies beyond that point as they all fall within the vicinity of the second bonfire, despite all the enemies beyond that point still belonging to Aldia's Keep. If you used an ascetic on the second bonfire, then all the aforementioned enemies would not be affected, and only the enemies between the second bonfire and the boss (including the boss, as the boss is 'associated' with the second bonfire) will be affected. I know it's a poor explanation, but hopefully it gave you an idea as to how the mechanic works.