SimCity 2013 – How Long Radiation Contamination Takes to Clean Up


Due to poorly educated workers at my nuclear power plant, I was told that a meltdown was imminent at my power plant. Considering how densely packed my city is, I didn't fancy having a meltdown and removed the nuclear power plant in favour of an oil power plant.

However, it seems that some contamination of the area has still occurred. Sims living and working nearby are now getting sick from the contamination. How long does it take for the radiation contamination to completely dissipate?

Here's a screenshot showing the contamination:
enter image description here

Best Answer

"you have to wait 20+ years for all the radiation to turn into ground pollution (which trees help clean up)"

Answer by Guillaume Pierre - The Lead Gameplay Scripter and a Designer


"also the lowest radiation area will take about 34 years to go away, with each band of intensity being 2x that"

Answer by Chris Schmidt - Tuning Designer at Maxis