How long is this guy going to be on the tab


So as I was spelunking, me and my party finished a level, then one guy says he lacks the energy to keep going. Being the nice guy I am, I put him on my elevator tab. I noticed two tabs I could put him on; "Elevator" and "All". What does "All" include?

How long is he going to be on my elevator tab? Was it just for that one trip or have I committed to paying for every elevator trip he's ever going to take, for forever?

Best Answer

You can only pay tabs for people who are in your party. Once either you or they leave, you stop paying their tab.

"Elevators" is self-explanatory.

"All" includes elevators, but also includes Deactivated Mecha-Knights, Laser Cannons, and Energy Gates, all of which can be activated with energy.