How many characters are there from the 3 Salvage Droid planets each and the Shipwreck


I've gotten 3 characters from Endor and 2 from Kashyyyk so far. I would like to know how many characters there are from the 3 Salvage Droid planets (Endor, Kashyyyk and Csilla) and also the Shipwreck so I would know when to stop spending bux on those planets.

Please contribute if you gotten different characters for your game from the other contributors.

Kashyyyk (From top to bottom, and then left to right: Chuundar, Quagga)

Endor (Teebo, Teek and Willy)

None at the moment.

None at the moment.

Best Answer

Now I've finally managed to get them all, so I can confirm the remaining ones. This is the final list:

  • Kashyyyk: Chuundar, Freyyr, Quagga, Salporin, Tarfful.
  • Endor: Deej, Logray, Shodu, Teebo, Teek, Weechee, Willy.
  • Csilla: Baldarek, Sev'eere'nuruodo, Sev'rance-Tann, Shaneeka, Spiker.
  • Shipwreck: 3B6-RA-7, FA-4 Pilot Droid, GNK, K3-P0, R9.

By character:

  • Fist row: 3B6-RA-7 (Shipwreck), Baldarek (Csilla), Chuundar (Kashyyyk).
  • Second row: Deej (Endor), FA-4 Pilot Droid (Shipwreck), Freyyr (Kashyyyk).
  • Third row: GNK (Shipwreck), K3-P0 (Shipwreck), Logray (Endor). List part 1
  • Fourth row: Quagga (Kashyyyk), R9 (Shipwreck), Salporin (Kashyyyk).
  • Fifth row: Sev'eere'nuruodo (Csilla), Sev'rance-Tann (Csilla), Shaneeka (Csilla).
  • Sixth row: Shodu (Endor), Spiker (Csilla), Tarfful (Kashyyyk). List part 2
  • Seventh row: Teebo (Endor), Teek (Endor), Weechee (Endor).
  • Eighth row: Willy (Endor). List part 3