Ark Survival Evolved – How Many Fireplaces Are Needed for Incubation in Ark Survival Evolved


Okay, so on ark I recently decided to start breeding my raptor. I had to find her the perfect raptor. After 8 hours of searching I find the desired stud raptor. He is a hulking level 124 male raptor with the coolest coloration I have seen yet. I tranqed him and tamed him. After dropping him off in the raptor stabbing cabin they got down and dirty. Fifteen minutes later and the egg is laid. I place five campfires down but nothing happened. I lost the egg and now I am frustrated. How many campfires do I need? How do I incubate this egg?

Best Answer

To answer your questions: How many fireplaces are needed for incubation - Different amounts for different animals

How many fireplaces for a Raptor:

INCUBATING THE EGG: The fertilized egg will only make incubation progress when on the ground (not when in any inventory) and when maintained at the correct temperature. If the egg is on the ground and it is too hot or too cold, it will lose health over time. The egg will NOT lose health in the player's inventory so you can save an egg from bad weather by picking it up and holding it until the temperature is more aggreeable. The incubation temperature range for a raptor egg is 20-27 degrees Celsius (68-82 degrees Faranheit). The egg is too cold at 19 degrees below, and too hot at 28 degrees and above.

The see the Wiki for the incubation guide for the Raptor.