How many habitats can I fit on an island grid


I'm planning to dedicate a couple islands to battery farms (all dragons, no decoration) so I'll have more space in the rest of my park. However this is proving non-trivial because:

  • The island grid is a very awkward, non-symmetrical shape

  • Habitats range in size from 2×2 to 8×8 (they're all squares though)

  • Each island has to accommodate one 3×3 Entrance Portal somewhere as well

Island grid small

Just brute-forcing it, I can fit 13 large rainbow habitats (6×6) on one island, but I feel like if I did it optimally I could squeeze in at least one more.

So, for each habitat size, I'd like to know: How many habitats can I fit on a single island?

Best Answer

Well, this has been unanswered for a while, but I got bored and I wanted to know the answer to this anyways, so I made a blog post on the subject over at this link. Cheers!