How many points do the skill upgrades cost


How many skill points do each of Joel's skill upgrades cost? Do the costs change across difficulties (aside from Shiv Master not being available on Easy and Listen Mode Distance not being available on Survivor and Grounded)?

This question applies equally to the Remastered version of the game.

Best Answer

Note, does not change based on difficulty

| Skill                | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Total |
| Maximum Health       | 50      | 100     | N/A     | 150   |
| Listen Mode Distance | 20      | 30      | 50      | 100   |
| Crafting Speed       | 25      | 30      | 50      | 105   |
| Healing Speed        | 30      | 40      | 50      | 120   |
| Weapon Sway          | 50      | 100     | N/A     | 150   |
| Shiv Master          | 75      | 100     | N/A     | 175   |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| All Skills Combined  | 225     | 400     | 150     | 800   |
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