Super Mario Odyssey – How Many Power Moons Are There?


Excluding the infinite amount of moons you can buy in the postgame, how many power moons are there to find?

Best Answer

Let's get more specific. There are far more moons available in many levels since there are multi-moons (counts as 3 power moons). Also most kingdoms have Crazy Cap stores so you can potentially get many more in that world. Here's a more detailed breakdown:

  • Mushroom Kingdom + Crazy Cap Store

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Toadette    Total
    104         37           6x3=18     61          +116
  • Cap Kingdom + Crazy Cap Store

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Endgame     Total
    31          17           0x3= 0     14          +31
  • Cascade Kingdom + Crazy Cap Store

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Endgame     Total
    40          24           1x3= 3     15          +42
  • Sand Kingdom + Crazy Cap Store

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Endgame     Total
    89          67           2x3= 6     20          +93
  • Lake Kingdom + Crazy Cap Store

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Endgame     Total
    42          32           1x3= 3     9           +44
  • Wooded Kingdom + Crazy Cap Store

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Endgame     Total
    76          52           2x3= 6     22          +80
  • Cloud Kingdom

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Endgame     Total
    9           2            0x3= 0     7           9
  • Lost Kingdom + Crazy Cap Store

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Endgame     Total
    35          25           0x3= 0     10          +35
  • Metro Kingdom + Crazy Cap Store

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Endgame     Total
    81          64           2x3= 6     15          +85
  • Snow Kingdom + Crazy Cap Store

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Endgame     Total
    55          36           1x3= 3     18          +57
  • Seaside Kingdom + Crazy Cap Store

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Endgame     Total
    71          51           1x3= 3     19          +73
  • Luncheon Kingdom + Crazy Cap Store

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Endgame     Total
    68          54           2x3= 6     12          +72
  • Ruined Kingdom

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Endgame     Total
    10          4            1x3= 3     5           12
  • Bowser's Kingdom + Crazy Cap Store

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Endgame     Total
    62          44           1x3= 3     17          +64
  • Moon Kingdom + Crazy Cap Store

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Endgame     Total
    38          27           0x3= 0     11          +38
  • Dark Side

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Endgame     Total
    24          23           1x3= 3     0           26
  • Darker Side

    Listed      Regular     Multi       Endgame     Total
    1           0            1x3= 3     0           3
  • Grand Total

    Listed      Regular     Multi       /Endgame    Total
    836         559         22x3=66     255         +880

That brings it down to a grand total of 836 listed moons, and counting multi-moons, 880 power moons found in the world. Then if you want to get the max of 999, you'll need to buy at least 119 additional moons from Crazy Cap Stores.