Pokemon Third Generation – Number of Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Emerald


I have recently caught a shiny, golden Pokémon in Pokémon Emerald leading me to ask is there a limit to how many golden, shiny Pokémon I can catch?

Best Answer

There is no limit to the number of Shiny Pokémon you can find

Shiny Pokémon occur very rarely, but the chance of finding them never drops below the default amount. In Generation 3, there's also no way to increase the chance of finding a shiny Pokémon; therefore, it's a constant 1/8192 chance of any particular Pokémon being shiny. Later Generations have various ways to increase one's chances of finding a shiny Pokémon, and many people have quite a large number of them.

For more information on shiny Pokémon in general, see How do I catch a "shiny" Pokemon.