Dark Souls – Damage Blocked by Jagged Ghost Blade Without Transcendent Curse


Ghosts pierce through your armor, inflicting massive damage. To block them, you need to use a curse, (2000 souls, which is a lot) or you can use a cursed weapon to block it, but obviously a dagger doesn't block as much as a shield.

I want to save my curses, and I have a cursed weapon that I could use to block: the Jagged Ghost Blade.

I want to know how well blocking with that particular dagger works compared to blocking with a curse, because if a ghost gets in 3 hits at my level I'm dead. Also, the ghosts have a critical attack. Can I block that?

Best Answer

Using a "Transcendent Curse" effectively curses you, so any equipment you use will be able to block, and inflict damage on the ghosts. This means that if you have a shield with 100(%) physical damage reduction, (as the ghost's damage is physical), then you block 100% of the damage.

If you have a cursed weapon, such as the Jagged Ghost Blade, or indeed the (Cursed) Greatsword of Artorias, this can block, or inflict damage on the ghosts. However, being primarily an offensive weapon, the defensive capabilities are far less impressive.

  • Jagged Ghost Blade - 45% Physical Damage reduction
  • Ghost Blade - 45% Physical Damage reduction
  • Greatsword of Artorias (Cursed) - 60% Physical Damage reduction