How much do you have to play to make up the difference in the pay VS free editions of Lord of the Rings Online


I'm intrigued by LOTRO now being free. I only play MMOs casually anyway, so I'm already behind the times. How much longer/what extra work is involved to catch up to someone who has a pay account? Assuming we start at the same time.

Best Answer

There are 3 different levels of player: people who have an current, active account are VIP's, people who have paid for a subscription or expansion at some point in the past are Premiums, and everyone else is F2P.

You will have to focus on earning Turbine Points by grinding out achievements/deeds to unlock content past the first 3 'free' zones. I believe it is possible to unlock all zones by grinding deeds/TP's; I haven't done the math, but some sites have.