How much grass is enough for the animals in Stardew Valley


I'm planning out my farm layout and was wondering… how much grass tiles would be good enough for two 3rd level barn/coops (24 animals)? "Good enough" as in "there's no need to buy hay during warm seasons, nor plant additional patches. they'll be eaten and re-grow in a stable pace".

Is there any sort of formula, or information on how much the grass can grow per day?

EDIT: while I found no formula, as this subject seems a bit complex (depending on available space besides the grass, where the animals ate, etc), I did found an awesome Stardew planner that helped me realize there's a LOT of space in the terrain to be left for grass, as you'll certainly not plant it all.

Best Answer

I think each one eats one grass patch per day, so you'll have to make sure 24 new grass patches grows every day. You can put a 2x2 fence around a patch of grass, and the grass inside will be safe from animals. Make 24 "grass preservation stations" and you should have more than enough grass for all the animals.