How much health do the various enemies have


Every gun lists the damage it deals and that damage can be increased or decreased by various weapon mods. Most mods increase damage by 2 some by 5 or 10 depending on the weapon. The problem is, I don't know if that is significant. Does increasing the damage of a weapon from 23 to 25 really matter? That is to day, does it take fewer bullets to kill an enemy? I have noticed a difference between very low and very high damage weapons such as a silenced Bernetti (pistol @ 15 damage silenced) compared to the Bronco (revolver @ 60 damage with mods). Is there a damage threshold that you should target when considering what mods to add to a weapon? There are sometimes drawbacks to mods and it would be useful to know if I am losing concealment, stability or accuracy for a useful and effective increase in damage.

Best Answer

Swiped directly from the Payday 2 Weapons Spreadsheet

Enemy         Health  Headshot Mul

Security        30      3.00
GenSec          50      5.00
Cop             30      3.00
FBI             50      5.00
Swat            80      4.00
Heavy Swat      100     1.67
FBI Swat        130     3.25
FBI Heavy Swat  200     2.00
Sniper          40      2.00
Shield          100     1.67
Taser           360     1.80
Bulldozer       5500    22.92
Gangster        40      4.00
Biker           80      4.00
Cloaker         320     5.33

The spreadsheet also contains a section that answers your other question about how many bullets it takes to kill any particular enemy, but it's much too complex to copy and paste here.

Keep in mind that an unaware enemy will be immediately one-shotted no matter what weapon you have equipped. Another reason to stay in stealth as long as possible.