How much power is added by Sheer Force and the Life Orb


My Nidoqueen has Sheer Force and a Life Orb, and all of its moves have 90 Power. How much power will they have after the applying of the Life Orb and Sheer Force (Not counting Special Attack and S.T.A.B.)( All moves have added effects (Ice Beam, Sludge Bomb, Earth Power, and Thunder Bolt))?

Best Answer

Life Orb increases base power by 30%, while Sheer Force increases base power by a conditional 30%. If a move doesn't have a secondary effect (like a burn chance), its base power will not be increased by Sheer Force, although Life Orb's bonus still applies.

The damage formula is a bit annoying to recall, but I believe that Sheer Force is applied to the base power of the move, which is then used to calculate the actual base damage during which Life Orb is taken into account. If I recall my multiplication properties correctly, this means that the increase in damage should be about 1.3 * 1.3 = 1.69 or a ~70% increase in damage.