Fortnite Battle Royale – How Much Splash Range Does the RPG Have?


Sometimes I feel like I am super far away from the RPG blast but still get hit. What range would I have to be, away from the explosion, to take 0 damage?

Best Answer

The RPG has a one-square damage range. When you build 4 walls around you, the space in between is called a square, which there are thousands of on the map. If someone shoots an RPG and it lands exactly a square away from you, it will deal damage - but if you moved a tiny bit back before, you would be alive. The same applies to grenades, boogie bombs, smoke grenades and impulse grenades. If the RPG hits in the corner of one square, like in the diagram below, it will damage 4 different squares.

Red represents highest damage - usually between 140 to 240.

Orange represents normal damage - usually between 80 and 140.

Yellow represents low damage - usually between 20 and 80.

The black dot under the player shows where they are, and the RPG image shows where the blast hit.

explanation picture

As you can see, 4 squares around the blast are affected, and if you are a square away from the blast you may still get fairly high damage, leading you to die.

Hope this helped.