How should I build a “paladin” character


I've always liked paladins.

Do you think it would be feasible to have a shield/sword wielding, heavy armor, self buffing, self healing character?

What perks should I focus on initially and what would be the ideal way to level up my health/magicka/stamina?

Best Answer

Well for skills to go after this is probably what I'd start with:

  • Heavy armor
  • Block (you're gonna wanna go with a shield imo)
  • Restoration (for the healing and turn undead spells)
  • One-handed (for a mace or perhaps a sword)
  • Blacksmithing (you're gonna want to make and improve your armour)
  • Enchanting (you'd want your "holy" gear)

What I'd also go with is:

  • Speech (your voice to soothe the downtrodden)
  • Archery (just because it can be a helpful way to start battle)
  • Alchemy (for "holy" water)
  • Illusion - again for your calming effect of your presence and voice

Not sure:

  • Conjuration ("holy" weapons, but alas also unholy creatures)
  • Alteration (magic "holy" armors...)

What I'd avoid:

  • Pickpocket (you are lawful good, you can't steal)
  • Lockpicking (this will be hard and not always used for evil... but still)
  • Destruction (vile sorcery! :P)
  • probably the rest is off limits...

And you need to help everybody, only do good things (no Dark Brotherhood and no Thieves' Guild).

And probably get your weapon enchanted with Turn undead...

Go forth oh righteous Paladin and smite thy wicked foes!