How should I deal with the brute on the ball in the Belgian Problem


In the on-rails conclusion of this mission, I start shooting people while hung to a ball in the ceiling of a tall building. A brute jumps on the ball, which starts falling down the floors. When I regain control of myself, I start shooting at the brute, who then punches me once for an instant death. Moments later the ball crashes on the ground.

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. This is what should be happening and this is what happens instead:

Any idea?

Best Answer

After browsing the web about this, it appears that on slow enough computers the game fails to load the cutscene where the following happens:

  1. The ball lands on that star-shaped floor (if you have this problem the floor won't be there)
  2. You collapse on the ball (if you have this problem you'll continue freefalling until it's too late)
  3. The brute jumps on the ball (if you have this problem the brute will just appear out of nowhere)
  4. You resume your descent

Cheats don't help. Using the golden gun cheat to get a guaranteed one-shot on the brute doesn't make the brute fall off the ball, so you still die.

The common wisdom here is lowering all the settings as much as possible (including playing with DirectX 9, which means you must restart the game, which means you must start over the mission from the start and then maybe the game still won't work.)