How should I prioritize the teammates when healing as Mercy


When playing Mercy, I often see that my healing is not enough to heal all of the damage done, contrary to my habits from most MMO games. Mercy also requires to be near her teammates to heal them, putting me at risk sometimes if I decide to come closer (she is very squishy).

So, how do I prioritize my teammates? Who should I heal first, and who can wait a bit, even if this waiting time can end up killing said teammate?

When should I follow to heal my teammate, and when should I not?

If I am healing someone who I manage to keep at some decent health, but someone else is dying just near me, should I try to help the dying mate?

Best Answer

With the new rez and the new ult you can afford to kill of a teammate pretty much every fight.

I'm not a Mercy main but here's my two cents. Heal your impact heroes. Keep the other support alive most importantly, and then heal the DPS. Prioritise those who don't have self heal or it's in cool-down. You get much more bang for your heal, when you heal 3x200HP heroes, rather than 1x Tank.

Rein has 500+200, hog has 600+300 every 8 seconds. You can afford to not heal them and rez them when they die.

Overall for most of your questions you kinda get a feel to it. You know not to follow a Genji dashing to their back line and to stay behind your protection. If said Genji dies then they don't deserve your heal for playing that stupidly and assuming you'd follow then trough hell.