How to access the fileshare outside the game


Previous installments of the Halo series let you access your fileshare outside the game to queue downloads, and share files. I can't seem to figure out how to do this for Halo 4. I'm most interested in sharing files with others, ideally something linkable. How do I do that?

Best Answer

Feb 2013 Update: In the 27/2/13 Halo Bulletin it was announced that the Halo 4 File Browser is now online. There is a Waypoint Blog blog post detaling its features and how to use it.

The answer, currently, is "You Don't" however after looking around on the Waypoint forums "The Little Moa" says,

File share support for Halo 4 will be added next month on the website.

so sometime in December, I would think.

EDIT, 19th December: I spotted a bit in the 12/12/12 Halo Bulletin where it says

We expect both Search and web access to come online in early 2013, and we'll provide another update in January. Again, we apologize for the delay, and we know this is painful for many of you.

So, keep waiting.