How to achieve Kerbin orbit without using maneuver nodes


I'm having a very hard time to fulfill the Orbit Kerbin contract.

I already saw a dozen videos of people explaining how to orbit and saw another billion texts. The problem is, when I'm in orbit, there is nothing that lets me click on the current orbit to adjust it, like "Add Maneuver". It keeps a gray line (not blue like I saw in the videos) and that's all.

Am I missing something?

Note, this question is NOT about how to enable "Add maneuver". It is about how to Orbit Kerbin. Add Maneuver is something I was told that facilitate the process.

Best Answer

Getting into orbit should be easy, you shouldn't even need maneuver nodes to get to orbit. There's really only 2 steps:

  1. Get your apoapsis (the highest part of your orbit) into space (on Kerbin, that's 70,000 meters -70km). You can do that by pointing your engine exhaust at the ground and burning your fuel.
  2. Once you get your apoapsis into space you want to burn to the east.

By "east" I mean a heading of 90 degrees (the big 90 on the navball, the HDG should read 90) and 0 degrees pitch (that's the line in between the blue -sky- and brown -ground- on the navball).

You'll probably find it easier to do perform launches from map mode (press the ^ at the bottom of screen to bring up the navball), that way you can see the apoapsis going up and east.

Pro tips:

  • Don't wait until you get to space to burn east, by the time you get above 30,000 meters you should be only burning east and not up.
  • If your rocket is unstable add fins at the bottom (adding fins above the center of gravity will make you fly backwards and that's not good)
  • If you want your rocket to be controlable add control surfaces like fins, gimballing engines, reaction control wheels (which are in capsules and SAS modules) and RCS.
  • Use liquid fuel (which is throttle-able). Using solid rockets to get to orbit is hard. A combination of both is good though.
  • Have a powerful rocket all the way up. Having twice as much thrust as weight(TWR) is a good rule of thumb until your orbital.
  • Drop stages, there's no point taking 20 tons into space when 5 tons is all you need. Your last stage should be much smaller and this will help your TWR.
  • Burning prograde (thats the yellow -0-) will bring up your periapsis.
  • A periapsis over 70km means you're in orbit.
  • Burning close to your apoapsis will bring up your periapsis faster.