Zelda: Breath of the Wild – How to Aim a Korok Leaf


I want to blow apples down from trees in order to collect them, but have only managed to mash the basic weapon attack button 'Y' to swing horizontally, without being able to change my aim along the vertical axis (pitch?). I can even change my camera, and it still won't aim any higher.

So now I have to climb the tree and hope that I can hit the apples, see, and not fall off from the branch there.

Best Answer


I took the crazy idea of trying to throw the leaf using the 'RB' throw button, and it actually did not throw the leaf like I wanted! Instead, it blew in my currently facing direction with that familiar reticle.


So that seems to be the answer, and in case you actually wanted to throw your leaf, well, I guess I don't know if you can do that in the game currently. :P

This wasn't a huge issue, but wanted to post in case anyone else was searching for the answer by chance. I was a bit too protective of my items in the beginning of the game, coupled with the durability factor, and didn't want to lose my leaf! Then I found it's a common and replenishable item from destroying trees, and I'm not even sure if it has limited durability to worry about.